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I just recieved a brand new account!! I now have an unlimited webspace thing and I HOPE this one is reliable. Unfortunately, due to the fact that my sister deleted some of the files on my computer, and the fact that school has started, the recreation of this page will be a slow one. But it WILL be back up, because this site has had over 700 hits so SOMEONE must like it!! I will keep record of what has been fixed and post it below. See you all later!
Hey, alright! I'm almost done fixing it, all that's left is the music section! I'm also working on another page, more info on that later! ^-^* I have added so much stuff since I first put this up! There are now several character pages, a LOT of music, and a little chat room! The title for the before mentioned series with Pheonix in it is Time Bomb Warriors. The online project has been put on hold, at least until I can get my scanner working and a little more of the plot has been determined. I REALLY need to get together with my co-writer...if anyone was actually looking forward to seeing this, which I'm SURE you all were, ^_^ I'm sorry.
GOMEN!! if this page is a mess right now, and things don't look quite right, I'm really sorry. I'm going through some major renovations, file uploads and making image maps, making MP3's and such...plus school just started, and I'm really pressed for time. Unlike SOME people...I don't take my site offline to finish it. I find it's much more inconvenient for my viewers. ^_^ The few of you I have that is. I hope to be semi-finished soon and things should be back in order by the end of the month. Thanx for your patience!
Yay! I've FINALLY gotten some stuff done on this! So far I have been making sections on the best Anime characters (IMO, of course. ^-^) in fact, I've got so many new pages I decided to make a directory for them! If you wanna see Anime pics, go to Solaris' Anime Archive. I am currently making Image maps for the graphix heavy pages, and only a few are up at the moment, so some will be quick loading and some will be much slower. I hope to have all the image maps completed by the end of the month and my image will be much better because of it!
New page has just been added! Go to Mirage's Song Selection! it has Midis, mostly, a few RealAudio (made by me, DON'T TAKE THEM!) and a few MP2's and 3's. There will be much much more, so check back often!
How's an anime chat sound? It's a Java chat, so if you don't have a Java-supported browser, don't even bother. Just type in a name and you're in! Anime Bests Chat Room. This SHOULD work now, I think I've fixed it. Don't expect this to have anyone in it at the moment, I haven't really made this one public yet.
Oh yeah! And there's a page about me in here! You need to search for it though, the link will be hardly noticable, cause if someone wants to hear what I really have to say then they'll look.
Oh, wanna see my rings? I think I might have joined too many...>.<
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If you like this page, have suggestions, compaints, comments, mail bombs, etc., E-mail Sailor VenusStars.
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